Book Discussion Groups
Our book clubs are open to every interested reader and meet at the library. Please see our events calendar to view meeting dates and additional details for upcoming book club meetings.
For Adults
For adult book clubs, copies of each selected book will be available at the Information desk for pickup prior to the meeting date. You can often also access the audiobook or eBook on Libby or Hoopla. If you are interested in hosting your own book discussion, you can check out a Book Club in a Bag kit.
Book & Movie Club
Have you ever watched a movie, realized it was a book, then went back to read the book and thought it was much better? Maybe you enjoyed the movie more than the book. Well this is the book club for you! Simply read the book before the meeting, we will watch the movie together, and then discuss what we liked better. If you haven’t read the book yet, you can still come for the movie and discuss it with us if you’d like.
Food for Thought Cookbook Club
You don’t have to be a Master Chef to attend the Food for Thought Cookbook Club. The only requirement is a hearty appetite for laughter and learning. Discover new recipes and connect with other adventurous cooks and bakers.
Noontime Book Club
Join the Noontime Book Club on the last Tuesday of every month. This self-directed group reads current fiction and nonfiction titles from various authors.
For Kids
Our Youth Department provides book clubs for kids in elementary and middle school with books and activities tailored to the needs of each age group. For youth book clubs, copies of the selected book will be available at the Youth Desk for pickup prior to the meeting date.
Due to limited capacity, please only sign up your child for a book club if they are able make it to this program. If you register and are unable to attend, please let us know so we can make space for another patron to participate.
K-2 Book Club
The Kindergarten-2nd Grade Book Club is a chance to discuss books, engage in exciting activities, and share with friends! We will read the book out loud during the program so there is no pre-reading required.
3rd & 4th Grade Book Club
Calling all 3rd & 4th Grade readers! Join us for stories, snacks, and lots of FUN! Read this month’s book and come prepared to share!
5th-8th Grade Book Club
Do you love to read? The 5th-8th Grade Book Club is a great way to spend an hour with other kids who share your love of books! Each month will feature a different book and you can register one month at a time. Activities, discussion, and snacks will round out the evening!