In the Library

In the Library
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Print, Copy, Scan, & Fax

The Westland Public Library has printing, copying, scanning, and faxing services available for anyone.

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Public Computers & Wi-Fi

We offer free access to PC desktop computer stations, laptops, low vision computer stations, multimedia computer stations, and free Wi-Fi.

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Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms are available free of charge and are open during library hours. Meeting rooms are available by reservation on a first come, first served basis.

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Test Proctoring

We provide proctoring services for online exams. Students may use one of the library’s public computers, set up a laptop at one of our study tables, or reserve one of the library’s meeting rooms during the exam.

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24/7 Outdoor Lockers

The Westland Public Library offers the ability to pick up your held items at your own convenience with our outdoor lockers. Active 24 hours, 7 days a week, receive your holds even when we are closed!