Public Computers & WiFi

Computer Access

We offer free access to PC desktop computer stations running Windows 11. Available software includes:

  • Microsoft Office 2019 (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Publisher) 
  • Internet browsers including Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • VLC Player

For Virtual Meetings

We offer Windows laptops for use inside the building. Our laptops offer built-in webcams and popular virtual meeting software including Zoom. Please stop by the Information Desk to borrow a laptop, or request one when you reserve a Meeting Room.

Low Vision Stations

We have two Low Vision computer stations with large-type keyboards and magnification turned on by default.

Multimedia Stations

We have four Multimedia computer stations that provide additional software, including Adobe Creative Cloud (patron must have their own subscription to access Adobe products) and Blender.

Free WiFi

Our library WiFi network extends throughout the building and library parking lot and operates from 7 am to 11 pm daily.