Tiny Art Show

Tiny Art Show

The Westland Public Library is pleased to announce its second annual Tiny Art Show!

Welcome to the Tiny Art Show, where small-scale creativity takes center stage. This exhibition features miniature masterpieces, each no larger than 4 x 4 x 4 inches, created by talented library patrons from Westland and neighboring communities. Experience the beauty of detail as you explore the artwork, and don’t miss this display of big talent in a small format!

After a three-year hiatus since 2021, the beloved hobby art show is making a comeback. Enthusiasts from all walks of life are encouraged to submit their paintings, sculptures, and crafts, provided that they’re smaller than 4 x 4 x 4 inches.

How to Join

  • Register Now to Reserve a Kit. By registering, you’re reserving a spot for your masterpiece in the show, and a chance to win a prize.
  • Kit Pick Up: July 1-6. Pick up your kit at the Information Desk during the pickup period. Kits include a small canvas and easel, but you are welcome to use any additional materials or make something on your own. Please keep your pieces smaller than 4 x 4 x 4 inches.
  • Art Pieces Due: July 20. Finished pieces are due by July 20 so they can be displayed in the library.
  • Public Voting: July 22 – July 27. The public can vote on their top three favorite pieces. Awards and prizes will be announced after the voting period.
  • Art Piece Pick Up: The art show ends on August 15th, 2024. All pieces will be returned after the show.

Previous Tiny Art Show Winners