Teen Advisory Board

TAB Logo

Teens in grades 7-12 are invited to join Westland Public Library’s Teen Advisory Board (TAB). We meet virtually and in person once a month on Thursdays from 6-7:30 PM to discuss library programs, volunteering opportunities, and current trends.

Earn an hour and half of community service time for each meeting you attend. Additional volunteer opportunities are available including helping at library programs, creating displays in the library, writing book reviews, compiling book lists, and more! Once you apply using the form below, you will be contacted via email so be sure to provide an email address that you check frequently. Please confirm the email before you submit.

Teen Advisory Board Application

"*" indicates required fields

Which TAB volunteer activities are you interested in? Select all that apply.*
I have permission from my parent or guardian to sign up for TAB.*
Please include a name, phone number, and relationship for your emergency contact.